Tier One | Mergers & Acquisitions
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Mergers & Acquisitions

Today’s M&A landscape is more complex and unpredictable than ever. Experience is required to maximize after tax cash proceeds and protect your interests.

There is no replacement for experience.


Often there is anxiety and emotions surrounding a business sale – for many business owners they only get one shot at getting it right and it’s certainly not business as usual. At Tier One, with over 20 years of M&A experience, our advisors have been through the negotiations and have structured the deals.   Our vast portfolio of transactional services allows us to provide meaningful guidance and support through every stage of the process.


We help our clients from the beginning with business valuation and development of your exit strategy to the successful sale of your business and managing the proceeds from the sale. Along the way, we ensure that you are fully aware of the implications of the complex agreements you are entering into.


 No matter how big or small the deal,  Tier One has the experience to help develop a solution to assist with the transactional challenges faced by owners of small and mid-market private companies.

If You Have A Buyer


  • Set priorities and goals
  • Evaluate ownership structure
  • Develop financing terms

Transaction Support

  • Provide advice on structure
  • Assist with negotiation
  • Tax minimization strategies

Close Transaction

  • Manage due diligence
  • Working with legal advice
  • Post-sale planning

If You Don’t Have A Buyer


  • Set priorities and goals
  • Evaluate the business
  • Develop financing terms
  • Formulate marketing strategies


  • Create materials (teaser, confidential information memorandum)
  • Identify strategic and financial buyers
  • Launch marketing campaign
  • Solicit buyers

Transaction Support

  • Rate potential buyers
  • Provide advice on structure
  • Negotiations
  • Manage deal process

Close Transaction

  • Manage due diligence
  • Advise on content of Letter of Intent
  • Assist and coordinate closing documents
  • Post-sale planning



Tax regulations are continually changing and impact your business. Success is not pre-packaged and neither should your tax strategies.


Accounting & Advisory

Decision makers require information to develop the strategies that provide direction for your business. We help ensure you have timely, meaningful and reliable information and then assist in analyzing that information.


Mergers & Acquisitions

Business owners have unlimited choices to make every day. When thinking about transactions – buying, selling, expanding or restructuring – can be overwhelming and often more questions arise after making your initial decision. Our team creates a clear roadmap.


Succession Planning

Succession planning is really about planning for the next phase of the family business and the next stage of life. The saying “It’s never too early to start planning for the future” is never more true than when thinking about succession.