Tier One | Accounting & Advisory
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Accounting & Advisory

Beyond keeping control of your accounting obligations, our experienced professional accountants help you grow your business through interpreting financial information and industry trends.

More than just accounting

We know that every client requires its own unique strategy, based on long-term goals, industry dynamics, and operating principles. That’s why our professionals rely on experience to tailor their guidance accordingly.  We help review, analyze and interpret financial statements and industry information to create clarity, minimize risk and solve complex problems.


In addition to helping build your business, our accounting team is dedicated to ensure you comply with reporting requirements. We act as an extension to your business, assisting you to stay on top of the reporting and regulation risks often present in a day to day business activities.

What We Do

Our accredited accountants (CPA) will produce all financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash-flow statement, etc.) in accordance with the highest standards of quality. We see our role in the financial reporting process as an opportunity to provide you with constructive solutions for maximizing your profitability and minimizing tax obligations.

Well–organized financial records ensure that your daily operations stay efficient and are conducted as effectively as possible.

  • Account keeping (monthly / quarterly / annual) and bank and credit card reconciliation
  • Setting up an accounting system for new and existing businesses
  • Filing HST, WSIB, CPP, EI and Tax remittances
  • Filing of personal tax returns (T1)
  • Thorough review and analysis of the bookkeeping process

  • End of the year package preparations, along with monthly and quarterly reports
  • Financial Statement Notice to Readers Compilations for internal purposes
  • Compilation of T2s and T5s
  • High level analysis and complex business projections



Tax regulations are continually changing and impact your business. Success is not pre-packaged and neither should your tax strategies.


Accounting & Advisory

Decision makers require information to develop the strategies that provide direction for your business. We help ensure you have timely, meaningful and reliable information and then assist in analyzing that information.


Mergers & Acquisitions

Business owners have unlimited choices to make every day. When thinking about transactions – buying, selling, expanding or restructuring – can be overwhelming and often more questions arise after making your initial decision. Our team creates a clear roadmap.


Succession Planning

Succession planning is really about planning for the next phase of the family business and the next stage of life. The saying “It’s never too early to start planning for the future” is never more true than when thinking about succession.